Apple aint a charity.. wake up Apple fans

Second time within a year apple faces severe criticism from its fans(or customers). Last time it was the early reduction of prices of iphones and now for doubling the memory of iphone and ipod touch. I dont understand why people are complaining, Apple is doing just what every business does. Apple sells products through one of the best marketing strategies, right from CEO Steve Jobs. People hail his keynotes and speeches as example of presentation skills(I have read more news articles :0 on his presentation skills alone ). Then the brand image and finally the flashy products themselves.Apple makes products and sell them for profit, its not that they are doing everything for the people. Seriously why should they even bother about us?

Its a fact that Apple’s products are not really the feature rich comaparing to many of rivals, but nevertheless people buy them for the name and looks.If you have gone through the tech reviews of ipods, probably you will realise authors writing in the bottom… “Sound quality is not best..but its still good”. Probably many doesnt care about feautures they simply go for the name and others follow like sheep. Take ipod Nano ..seriously this is one of the most outrageous products from Apple, it plays mp3 (I wont even say music) thts it.. But for the same price you get a way better product from Creative or Sony with many many feautures and Better Music quality.

Then lets come to the freedom of use of your purchase…  Apple probably produces one of the highly closed devices among present manufacturers.You can use your device strictly as what is mentioned in manual, well you cant use it any other way. Simplest example is the itunes software(its big Bug nothing else).Your ipod/iphone cannot be used without this.Then there is itunes store.. All effective ways to grab cash from customers.Even to register your product you need to provide your Credit card number??? How ridiculous. The world is going more open, this strategy of Apple may not work longer.

And most of Apple products never go into second hand market.. you use it or throw it. Anyway a new apple product is on the way then why bothering to reuse the old one.

Somehow I feel its all in the mindset of users, probably the US recession might give a shock to Apple.People might start looking for cheaper and feature rich products as a result of cash crunch, then they may discover there are better products and many more brands outside the Apple store. Lets see how long Apple can use its name to Sell products at a premium.

Sun TV Live streaming..Watch Sun TV (Tamil TV channel) Live

The following links are Sun TV links.SUN TV is the most popular Tamil Channel. Im adding three links of SUN TV.

If none of the below work try this post

Link 1 : SUN TV (no need for user/pwd)

Link 2 :  SUN TV US Timings

Buy ROKU and signup for SunTV ,KTV, Kalaignar TV, Sun Music , Jaya, Star Vijay and other Tamil channels .. Gemini TV and many more Telugu channels through CHannel live below

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Link 3 : SUNTV European Time

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HP Pavilion DV2620US Windows XP drivers.. Forced to use Windows VISTA

I bought a HP Pavilion dv2620us Laptop recently, the laptop came with a preloaded Windows VISTA, Some how I did not find VISTA amusing from day one. I wanted to go back to my reliable windows XP, So went on to find out about drivers fro mXP. To my horror, HP did not provide drivers for Windows XP.

I went on finding the hardware specification for my model ie Sound card Name version..Graphics card details and finally was able to get all drivers for XP  🙂 . Now here comes the sad part. After installation the screen looks pathetic even with proper driver Display aint correct, it simply looks bleak. It looks very good on VISTA. Then Sound is good but non of short cut keys work in XP. Moreover even if i connect headphone jack speaker doesnt turnoff 🙁 .

Not a good XP experience.By the time I realised it is not going to pleasurable, I had gotten used to VISTA, after few pathces and updates VISTA doesnt give me blue screen errors/anything. So HP and Microsoft forced me into using Windows VISTA. A shrewd strategy on part of Microsoft(I hate it).

Im currently eagerly awaiting the arrival of Windows VISTA SP1.

 By the if you want Windows XP drivers for HP Pavilion dv2620us, You can download it here. But Im warning you its a not  a great experience.Some drivers need to be forced, so any help jus mail me.

The Rar file has

HP Pavilion DV2620US  Windows XP Display Drivers
HP Pavilion DV2620US Windows XP  Motherboard Drivers,Chipset Drivers
HP Pavilion DV2620US Windows XP Sound card drivers
HP Pavilion DV2620US  Windows XP WLAN,Blurtooth,wifi,card reader,Modem,Touch pad and Network (LAN)

Download here