It is confirmed that TATA Consultancy Services has called back all its BRMs (Business Relationship Managers) who are in charge of creating new business oppurtunities in US and other regions outside India. This position has become a liability to the company during the tough economic times. Though their pay is not very high, the benefits they enjoy is huge.
The same goes with Project Leader positions in Onsite locations, most of the PL positions in client locations are funded by TCS and hence TCS looks to move these positions back to India. Though the recall maynot cover every BRM/PL but it should cover most of them.
The status of other non billable positions like PMO, (Project Management Office team), HR and MATC is not known. But there will be lots of chaos in the onsite ranks of TCS in the coming weeks.
The cutoff date for this movement has been announced as first week o February. This was confirmed by a mail from CEO to middle management and upper management.