Windows 7 – Fresh install – Clean,Simple and Slick

After I upgraded to Windows 7  from Windows VISTA ultimate , I was definitely having some gripe and wanted to go back to VISTA. As I had mentioned in my previous post on Windows 7, both Shockwave player and Google Talk kept crashing on me and occasionally even Google Chrome started crashing.

But before I completely ditch Windows 7, I wanted to try the clean install option, afterall in the past I always used to go for clean installs of Windows, only this time I was little lazy about reinstalling all the softwares and backing up data etc.

With the clean install the entire process took only 20-25 minutes and it only required me to select the partition and later for entering the product key (as with VISTA).  After the clean install almost 80% of my drivers were already isntalled and required only minimal driver installtion.

This time around I installed Windows 7 versions of Flash,Google Talk,Adobe reader etc. And it solved all the problems I had with the previous upgraded version of Windows 7. I was able to install almost all softwares I had in my previous system and everything works just fine. Even there is Windows 7 version of Google Pack which gets you all essential softwares.

Now let me get back to some key functionalities like Windows XP Mode in my next post.

Windows 7 and the crashing Google Talk

The first problem I have discovered after  upgrading to Windows 7 (32 bit Ultimate ) is with the simplest of software’s – Google Talk. Google Talk has crashed 4-5 times in last few days and I have reinstalled it three times, finally dumping the stable version of Google Talk and installing the Google Talk Labs Edition.Ever since I upgraded to Windows 7, I found the typing in Google Talk was very slow, ie the program was not responding as slick as it should.

When I tried to Google for any possible solutions, I found more complaints than answers many users have mentioned Google Talk either slowing down or crashing. Some users have tried running the program in compatibility mode of Windows XP SP3 or Windows VISTA SP2, I tried both options but unsuccessful in both attempts.

One more problem I noticed is whenever the Google Talk was opened in Gmail window, it would crash the Adobe Shockwave player ( I believe Google is responsible for both these problems.

So expect a newer version of Google Talk for Windows 7 and for time being try the Google Talk Labs Edition.

Read the initial review on Windows 7 here

Windows Browser Ballot System – A total waste of time

EU is pushing Microsoft to provide a browser ballot in the Windows versions shipped in European Union countries.Well it is definitely not going to help the consumer/ end user. The argument from EU and Microsoft’s rivals is that since windows comes pre-installed with Internet Explorer, the users are not given equal opportunity for using other browsers.

Browser Ballot Screenshot for Windows in EU
Browser Ballot Screenshot for Windows in EU

If the users are not tech savvy enough, how does EU expect them to make a wise or useful choice upfront ? So these decisions may be forced on them by their relatives or the people who help them set up a computer. Especially if a non techy user finds that he/she is missing their favorite Internet Explorer (or comfortable) and when they try to connect office network and get thrown out because they are using a non IE browser ?

One way or the other this ballot system will be a failure from the start just like Windows Editions launched without Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer. Well no one bothered to buy these Windows Editions specifically launched in EU, after all why not have IE or Windows Media Player if they are not going to harm your computer?

Probably EU regulators should now look at other real issues like launching Phones like Iphone locked and limiting their use to only one network etc.