Google acquires Agnilux -Master brain in Chips and Processors

Google has acquired Agnilux for its internal servers and processors where in Agnilux can come out with efficient ones which will inturn reduce millions of cost savings.With the help of Agnilux efficient employees Google will be able to use high end processors with great performance and also there can be lot of power saving options within the processors.Agnilux as a team can give a great support to Google in data center business.

Initially Agnilux was within the company PA Semi (originally “Palo Alto Semiconductor”) .During 2008 Apple acquired PA Semi and had its internal chips and processors for its iPhone and iPod developed at this center.But Employees of PA Semi were not satisfied as the stock value of the company was not appreciable.Later they formed a seperate organisation called Agnilux and now its acquired by Google

With this master mind employees in Chips and Processors Google can even slowly enter into this industry though it has plans only to develop things for its internal operations.

Awesome Pictures of Blackberry OS 6.0

Blackberry OS6.0 is the much awaited feature for all or atleast for the Blackberry fans and users.Blackberry OS6.0 has brought in some interesting features which looks different from other touch screens.If the features are slightly different from other models then its definitely going to be an interesting product.Blackberry 0S6.0 has included pinch zooming,paging instead of widget support,multitouch,pop up with upto 9 options,kinetic scrolling and many.

There is a end to the limited widgets display go for more by scrolling.In Blackberry OS6.0 there is a main page where you can have applications and you can even slide next with options like left and right buttons which can have more pages with more applications.So you can have different group of applications with different home screens in each page.

Next new feature is Tap and PopUp.If you tap and hold on specific option then you will get many pop up with related options.Say suppose you tap and hold on message menu you will get pop up to send messages,MMS,email etc

Multitouch option with good pinch zooming as they have implemented kinetic scrolling with rubber banding throughout the OS

3D TV Health Hazards by Samsung

Samsung is the first TV manufacturer to disclose about the health hizards of one of its product.But not only for samsung these list of health hazards is almost common for all 3D TV.Hats off for Samsung to come out with atleast some warning based on health issues which will make users to think atleast twice before they buy the product.Mostly there is a warning for pregnant womens and also for people with the history of Epilepsy.There are also chances for people to get affected with Epilepsy.Highest warning is Photosensitive Seizure Warning and Epileptic Seizure.Pregnant women are not advised to on watch 3D TV and also senior citizens consuming alcohol

So with all these health hazards and warnings is it really worth to buy a 3D TV?
Actually yes but with many precautions.Only young children and Teenagers are very much fond of 3D TV.But their parents have to make sure that they don’t get any health problems.Many people have reported tiredness,headache,problem in vision etc with continuous watching on 3D TV.Viewers should not sit too close and should not walk around the TV wearing 3D glasses.If you don’t get any symptoms of the problem listed below then its worth to watch on 3D TV

List of 3D TV health Hazards

Eye or muscle twitching
loss of awareness